None of the above listed! The most difficult person on earth is you yourself! There is none who causes retrogression in your life other than you.
Each of us is a problem unto his life. This is demonstrated in all aspects of our lives. In business, we make promises but end up not fulfilling them. In marriage, we say ‘We Do’ but turn out to break the vow. At the beginning of each year, we make resolutions just to find ourselves wallowing in the same old habits which oversee less effectiveness at work and get bypassed with any promotion which will rear its beautiful head.
This disease of dealing with our own difficulties in life is identified with leaders too. America’s expert on leadership, John C. Maxwell, tells a personal story that I think well illustrate this topic. At a leadership conference where he was a speaker, one of the attendees asked, “Which is the most difficult – leading up, across, or down?” “None of the above,” he answered quickly. “Leading myself is the toughest.” As a leader, the first person you need to lead is yourself. True leaders know that the more they become effective in their leadership abilities, the more they can lead others. It all starts with oneself.
I have identified five ways to help identify and deal with the difficult parts of our lives. Let’s discuss them together:
#1. Identify And Know The Difficulties
In my days at the university, I used to set unwritten goals such as getting A’s in most of the courses I offered. I ended up achieving less. Why? The problem was that it was the same person dealing with himself with the same habits unchanged. Once I got to my final year, I was able to achieve more. I identified and dealt with habits such as not attending lectures, constantly revising notes given at lectures, etc. Identifying the part of your life where the difficulties emanate from is crucial to the knowledge of it and taking practical steps to nip them in the bud.
#2. Know That Everyone Has A Problem
Knowing that everyone has a problem or two makes it less of “I am the only one with problems” mentality. Each and every one of us has a difficulty which we are battling to resolve. But the difference is in not letting our circumstances make us back out from achieving our set goals. The difference between achievers and nonachievers is in the way they solve their problems. Achievers think that every problem is an opportunity to grow while nonachievers think they can’t do anything about them. The fact is you can’t shield your difficulties or weaknesses. As you move ahead circumstances will surely unveil them. Thus, the earlier you deal with them, the better.
#3. Adjust Your Attitude
Attitude, explained simply, is the way we deal with circumstances that come our way. Someone said that what happens to us is less important as compared to what happens within us. Life will get better if we should have a positive posture to issues of life.
A lecturer wondered why some students would get A and others get D and F whilst they were all taught by him. I think the difference is in attitude. Your attitude to a course of study will determine what you will get in the final exams.
Attitude is powerful. One thing about life is that it doesn’t hurt at all to see everything with a positive attitude. But it is frustrating to see things with a negative posture. Adjust your attitude, adjust your life. The first-century writer and ardent follower of Jesus Christ, Paul, said in Philippians 4:13 that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” What is motivating about this is that the great Apostle wrote these words when all the odds were against him. His attitude made the difference.
#4. Be Responsible For What Becomes Of Your Life
The word responsibility has suffered so much misunderstanding on the part of many people in the world today. More than ever before, people feel and think others are responsible for the outcome of their lives.
Have you thought about it that when a student fails an examination he blames the lecturer and poor facilities he or she has to contend with? Have you also wondered why people blame the economy for their poor finances? Money doesn’t go to the one who needs it, but rather money goes to the one who attracts it. You can be the poorest of the poor, if you don’t take responsibility of your finances, I can bet you that all the wealth in the world will never lift your woes. Be the captain of your life.
#5. Take Action Now!
Things compound when they are delayed in dealing with them. Make the decision to act now. All the steps above can be known but once you refuse to take action, you will remain where you are. A million intentions are not worth an action taken.
We are bigger than our problems!
So, there you have the five practical steps you can take to deal with any difficult aspect of your life. This difficulty can be considered a problem or weakness you are battling to overcome. May this year be a year that will see the manifestation of the glory of God in your life! May you identify and deal with petty foxes that are dragging you backward in life. Remember that life is too short to be lived for our weaknesses instead of our strengths that will see us fulfilling our Dominion Mandate.
Eric Otchere
Email: [email protected]